by Dave Murray | Feb 4, 2017 | Brand Differentiation, Brand Strategy, Branding
LEGO: The Rise and Fall. And Rise As gutsy branders and brand strategists, we go a bit nuts when we see a large corporation making serious brand strategy mistakes. The reason being we know it leads to, at best, stagnant revenue, and at worst, fired employees. And, to...
by Dave Murray | Feb 1, 2017 | Ann Arbor, Brand Strategy, Branding, Personal Branding, Uncategorized, Why
Missions, Values, and Visions, Oh My! In Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture, he talked about the head fake, saying, “Most of what we learn, we learn indirectly.” See if you can spot, from his Ann Arbor classroom, the head fake in Professor Dave’s...
by Dave Murray | Jan 9, 2017 | Brand Strategy, Branding, Why
3 Branding Predictions for 2017 As with any article where someone gets all Nostradamus-y, “3 Branding Predictions for 2017” is an opinion piece. So neener. Also, am I the only one who thinks “neener” should be a business term? Number 1, on the...
by Dave Murray | Jan 5, 2017 | Ann Arbor, Brand Strategy, Branding, Mayniax Acting Like Maniacs, News, Uncategorized, Videos
Our Goal and Brand Strategies for 2017! For this “Our Goal and Brand Strategies for 2017!” post, we wanted to let you know what we’re doing, in the hopes that it’ll help you with your efforts. Also, marketers hate this title because, unlike...
by Dave Murray | Nov 22, 2016 | Ann Arbor, Branding, Mayniax Acting Like Maniacs
Giving Thanks to Our Ann Arbor Team Our Ann Arbor team’s pretty solid. And while all but one aren’t technically employed by Mayniax Branding, I consider every one of them part of our crew. And you should make them part of yours, too. Well, except for...
by Dave Murray | Oct 27, 2016 | Brand Design, Brand Differentiation, Brand Strategy, Branding, Mayniax Acting Like Maniacs, Uncategorized, Why
Halloween: The Ghouliest Brand of All! Vanessa and I love Halloween. We were fans long before we started our first brand! In fact, one of our goals is to throw a huge Halloween bash when we get an office! Because Halloween is awesome! Learn the story of Mayniax...