by Dave Murray | Feb 16, 2017 | Brand Design, Brand Differentiation, Brand Strategy, Branding
Marketing vs. Branding. What’s the Difference? Sometimes posts need to be tweaked, and South Korean spammers need to be stopped. It’s for those reasons that I present to you a revised version of an oldie but goodie blog post: Marketing vs. Branding....
by Dave Murray | Feb 14, 2017 | Brand Design, Brand Strategy, Branding, Why
The Valentine’s Brand I have to admit something: I’ve had a lot of trouble coming up with what to say about Valentine’s Day. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent the last seven years focused almost entirely on work and not on personal...
by Dave Murray | Oct 27, 2016 | Brand Design, Brand Differentiation, Brand Strategy, Branding, Mayniax Acting Like Maniacs, Uncategorized, Why
Halloween: The Ghouliest Brand of All! Vanessa and I love Halloween. We were fans long before we started our first brand! In fact, one of our goals is to throw a huge Halloween bash when we get an office! Because Halloween is awesome! Learn the story of Mayniax...
by Dave Murray | Jun 16, 2016 | Brand Design, Brand Differentiation, Brand Strategy, Branding, Uncategorized, Why
Working with Ann Arbor’s Branding Team, Pt. 1 On any given day at any given time, in the rockin’ town of Ann Arbor, Michigan, you may find Vanessa and I seated in an area coffee shop – usually Sweetwaters or Espresso Royale – and sometimes you’ll...
by Dave Murray | May 31, 2016 | Brand Design, Brand Differentiation, Brand Strategy, Branding, Mayniax Acting Like Maniacs, Why
7 Must-haves for Your Gutsy Brands! “7 Must-haves for Your Gutsy Brands!” WOW!!! I love a good click bait title. For those who don’t know, writing blog posts with lists – and a catchy title with a number in it – is a slightly manipulative marketing tactic,...
by Dave Murray | Oct 22, 2015 | Brand Design, Brand Differentiation, Brand Strategy, Branding
Branding in Ann Arbor – The Basics For this happening post, I’ll be writing about branding in everyone’s favorite Tree Town: Ann Arbor, Michigan! This is a first for me, since I usually share branding and brand strategy tips for gutsy business owners and...