by Dave Murray | Oct 17, 2016 | Ann Arbor, Brand Differentiation, Brand Strategy, Branding, Mayniax Acting Like Maniacs, Uncategorized
5 Tips for Naming Your Gutsy Brand! I’ve been wanting to write a blog on naming your own gutsy brand for months. In fact, I did write one! And as I was putting the finishing touches on it, I decided – in a fit of brilliance – to delete it from the official...
by Dave Murray | Sep 22, 2016 | Ann Arbor, Brand Differentiation, Branding, Why
Working with Ann Arbor’s Branding Team, Pt. 2 In Working with Ann Arbor’s Branding Team, Pt. 1, I walked you, our latest gutsy entrepreneur, through the first three parts of our zany branding process. We helped you figure out your “why.” We taught you the...
by Dave Murray | Aug 23, 2016 | Ann Arbor, Brand Differentiation, Brand Strategy, Branding, Mayniax Acting Like Maniacs, Personal Branding
Personal Branding in Ann Arbor I love Ann Arbor I mean sure, it has its problems – For instance, Ann Arbor was voted the most educated city in the United States in 2015. Wait, how’s that a problem? Well, ya see, what that study really said is that people in A2...