Start Building Your Own Gutsy Brand!
Branding is all about getting, and staying, in the mind of the customer so you’re always an option. Because that will lead you to a better life!
We’re so geeked to be able to help 30 people at our first ever branding workshop! If you’ve read our About page, you know why. Vanessa and I veered away from graphics, photography and illustration because we realized those things, on their own, don’t help entrepreneurs in the long-term. Creating a brand, however, does.
What Will You Learn?
You’ll learn about the three most important things for any brand: the “why,” the focus, and the differences. From there, we’ll go into the intricacies of brand creation, such as naming a brand and yes, even logo design. And, of course, a whole lot more!
Why Only 30 People?
Simple: we can’t be effective teachers with more than that. Vanessa and I will be doing some talking, but the vast majority of the time, we’ll be walking amongst the 30 people, answering questions and giving ideas while the people work. This is a workshop, after all. It’s not “Listen to Dave’s lame jokes while Vanessa rolls her eyes” time, though I’m sure some of that will happen.
And, for a little transparency, having only 30 people also gives this Mayniax Branding event exclusivity, which is helpful for any brand.
What: Start Building Your Own Gutsy Brand! The first ever Mayniax Branding workshop.
Where: Washtenaw Community College • Gunder Myran Building, room 320 • 4800 E Huron River Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 map
When: October 2, 2015, from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (lunch from 12:00 pm – 1: 00 pm)
Who should attend: Gutsy entrepreneurs, business owners, and anyone else who thinks entrepreneurship is for them.
What you need: A laptop / tablet with internet (the campus has wifi), a pen, and a good old-fashioned notebook.
Cost: $20 for students, $50 for everyone else
Misc: Lunch can be purchased in the Student Center. Click here for more information. There are also several restaurants a short drive away, though we’ve been advised that, with parking at a premium, that staying on campus is a better idea.
So, if you’re in the Ann Arbor / Ypsilanti area, and want to give yourself a better life by starting to build your own gutsy brand, click on a link below, and we’ll see you October 2nd!
Stay gutsy, gang!